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Connecting with Ancestral Spirits: My Experience Meeting Two of My Great Grandfathers During a Self Reiki Session

Writer's picture: Alison Woods Alison Woods
Bright light shining through trees

Photo by Raphael Renter on Unsplash

The experiences we have in life are endless. Every now moment there is an opportunity to make a choice about one thing or another. Some magnificent and extraordinary and some hardly noticeable. Reiki assists us in navigating from one experience and choice to the other. Always guiding us to our highest good. Some instances and moments are so emotionally charged we hardly see or notice what’s really there. When I take time to go within myself I find the most beautiful experiences are already there awaiting me. I have had so many revealing and quite extraordinary experiences with Reiki. Here I want to share with you what happened when I experienced connecting with ancestral spirits during a self Reiki session. Both of these individuals had crossed over to the Other Side by the time my life had started here. Both of their names were John. I had heard no stories or very little about these particular great grandfathers from either sides of the family. This is what happened when I met two of my great grandfathers in Spirit during a self Reiki session.

I was so honored that they came forward to give me a glimpse of their lives, to say hello, and to let me know they are supporting me. 


I love Reiki and it always knows how to guide me to what is needed. This day I was exploring my mediumship, asking questions, and being curious about what was possible. I use Reiki in my life for many different occasions. Self Reiki is something I do for myself often. I use it to soothe my emotions and guide me to my highest choices. The energy is completely loving and supportive. So, when I feel like some extra care is needed I use self Reiki. 

First, I met my great grandfather on my mother’s side. I had previously seen pictures and heard a few stories about him from my mother’s family. His spouse was still alive and interactive in the family when I was growing up. Actually, the intuitive nature of this side of my family has its roots with these ancestors. 

I was deep into my Reiki session. I saw a face come into my awareness. An elderly gentleman with glasses and a moustache that I felt I had seen before. He looked to be in his 80’s or so with lots of wrinkles on his face and around his eyes with the most beautiful blue eyes. I knew he was a family member of mine but I was not quite sure who he was at first. He said his name was John. He told me he was my great grandfather and he emphasized the great!. He showed me his life memories of farming and gardening. Bails of hay with an old timed pitchfork being loaded on an old truck that had a wagon on the back of it. He showed me a memory of his where he used to relax and cool off from working under a tree with a swing and chickens. I was shown a white wooden farm house with a vast amount of land. He emphasized a great deal of hard work tending to animals and farming where he would wipe off his sweaty face with a handkerchief or towel. He told me he loved music(something we have in common)and played some type of small looking violin. He smoked cigarettes and showed me how he passed from his lungs closing up. Then I heard “emphysema”. He had such sweet and loving blue eyes. His message was one of thanks. He was appreciative of the fact that I could be loving and forgiving in the face of pain and hurting. I heard him say “you are helping all of us.” I expressed thanks and gratitude for his endurance and paving the way for me to get this far. I was able to confirm the accuracy of the information with my aunt. She then sent me a photograph of my great grandfather. It was amazing. I did remember seeing that photograph hanging up in my great grandmothers house as a child. 


Second, I met my great grandfather on my father’s side. I was deep into my Reiki session once again and I could see in my awareness an older gentleman that was dressed in a top hat, tux with tails with a cigar. He had grey hair with a few curls and light eyes. I had no idea who this person was and then he told me his name was John. I had recently spoken to my dad about some of his family going back on the family tree and I remembered that I had another great grandfather named John. He had a rounded face that was slender in the chin area. He was a very strong willed hard working man. He showed me how he passed from a gunshot wound to the side that struck a heart vessel. When I heard this I knew it was my dad’s grandfather. He laughed a bit after he told me this and told me he was a bit sarcastic in life and thought of himself in very high regard. He showed me he used to live and work on a large farm with cows and horses. He showed me his memories of the landscape and the house he lived in. I asked him about the tux he showed me and he said this is how he always wanted to dress and likes to dress now but when he was living he only wore cowboy boots, jeans, and cowboy hat. His message was a loving apology for me and expressed how sorry he was for passing down unfavorable thinking and traits that harshly affected me. He said he is learning so much from me now and my teachings. He understands now how this type of thinking and being can affect others unknowingly. The love I could feel was so enormous. I could feel how his apology helped ease myself and him. He seemed very happy and at peace. I confirmed the information I received with a family member and all the information and details described him accurately.

Our loved ones in Spirit can see the bigger picture from a higher perspective and can see the ripple effects of their thoughts and actions. They often wish to do what they can from the other side to assist us in transmuting this energy to love. From the many mediumship readings I have done I have learned that our loved ones are holding energetic space for us. They have always wanted something better for their descendants. They continue to co create with us the life we want to all live. Full of love, compassion, and joy. They can use their life experiences as a tool to increase the vibrations around us and help us create what we truly desire. When we ask for their assistance they are right there. They see and acknowledge our lives as a continuation of their own and want it to be better and better. 

I so appreciate both of my great grandfathers for coming to visit me and talk to me. I enjoy learning more about them and understanding how their life experiences have affected mine. It helps me to recognize my own behaviors as coming from love or from a conditioned programed place. Once we can recognize these ideas, beliefs, and thoughts as not our own then we can release them. They then are replaced by more loving thoughts and actions toward ourselves and others. A healing of ease and compassion takes place that ripples through time and space. 

I hope you enjoyed this story of love and appreciation from the Spirit World. Remember, your loved ones are only a thought away. Whenever you are thinking of them they are right beside you. 

For more inspiration and all things spiritual check out my website , follow us on IG, Twitter, Tic Tok, and Threads.

Alison Woods

Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Medium, Energy Healer, Spirit Artist

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