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Exploring the Seven Chakras: A Guide to Understanding the Chakra System

Writer's picture: Alison WoodsAlison Woods

Updated: Jan 11

Chakra wheel with lotus in the center
Photo: Created with Wix AI


The chakra system is an energy system of the body that is connected to layers and physical organs in particular areas of the body. There are hundreds of chakras in the body and chakras that extend outside of the body. We will explore the seven main chakra systems that are within the body. There are twelve chakras with five that extend outside of the body. Each chakra is a vortex or wheel of energy that spins in alignment. Each energy center is connected to specific organs, nerves, and bodily function systems. This is your energy, which is governed by the way you think and feel about everything that crosses your experience. When these energy centers are balanced and aligned, our bodily systems run smoothly. When these energy centers are off-balance, there is a noticeable difference in how you feel. You will tend to feel something is "off" or not right. It may lead to disease and illness. The chakra system connects the spiritual energy system to the physical body. I will discuss each of the seven main energy centers, how each center is connected to the body, and how to keep your chakra system in balance for health, harmony, and well-being. This guide to understanding the seven main chakra systems will enhance your ability to navigate through any experiences with confidence.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are like wheels or vortices of energy that spin in alignment and connectedness to the human body. The energy systems can spin smoothly and in one direction, or if out of alignment, can spin haphazardly. You may feel that something is amiss and not be able to place it, or it can be a strong feeling of discomfort. Most are not aware of the way their chakras are spinning until something physical has occurred. And, even after something untoward happens, you still may not be consciously aware of the chakra system of energy.

The chakra system is an ancient belief that is well known in Indian, Buddhist, and Hindu cultures. The early texts describe them as meditative focuses with mantras, vibrational sounds, visualizations of colors and flowers, and elemental natures. In the Western belief system, the chakras are known to have specific colors, sounds, crystals, musical vibrations, and yoga poses to stimulate and balance them.

The Chakra Energy Centers

A white hand with a background of rainbow colors
Photo: Unsplash

  1. Root Chakra or Muladhara. The root chakra stabilizes our base, the foundation we build that is stable and safe to stand upon. It upholds our beliefs of safety, survival, and grounding. The base chakra is located at the base of the spine and extends down to the hips, legs, and feet. The color is red and is associated with the element of earth. It supports our passions, desires, and hopes to bring them into manifestation in the material world. The relationships and encounters we experience and how we respond to them are supported by this chakra.

  2. Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana. The sacral chakra supports movement, flow, and creativity. The power of birthing new ideas into form. Allowing the fertile grounds of ideas to swirl into the power of manifestation. The color of the sacral chakra is orange. This energy center is located two inches below the belly button. It supports our creative ideas, sexuality, and helps to bring our creative ideas into our desires. It is associated with the element of water. Participating in any creative venture is supported by this chakra.

  1. Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura. The solar plexus chakra is the seat of our power and our source of fortitude and confidence. This is the energy center that gives you the assurance, courage, and tenacity to move forward with your dreams. The solar plexus chakra is the seat of your internal fire and is associated the the element of fire. The energy you need to forge ahead. It is located in the center of the abdomen two inches below the breast bone or the stomach area. It supports digestion and the ability to accept the experiences that are going on around us. Knowing that we have the power to continue our path. The color of the solar plexus chakra is yellow or golden. The manipura chakra is the seat of clairsentience or clear feeling.

  2. Heart Chakra or Anahata. The heart chakra is where the energies of the earth and the energies of the spirit meet. The anahata chakra is associated with the element of air. At the center of the breastbone the heart chakra guides through love. It is the healing center of all things in our lives. The potent strength of love, compassion, and a willingness to be vunerable. Sometimes past fears and hurts can styme this center of energy. The mind will come in and express it's opinion but truth speaks to us through the powerful energy of the heart chakra. The color of this chakra is green or pink. It promotes a sense of joy and is associated with clairempathy. Here is where forgiveness allows this energy center to thrive.

  3. Throat Chakra or Visuddha. The throat chakra is where our ideas and desires get spoken out loud into the world. Either written, spoken, singing, or chanting it is manifested into sound and vibration. A frequency of creation is embedded into the manifest. We are able to express ourselves whether through our love or fear, will be energetically formed. This is where the phrase "think before you speak" comes in. The visuddha chakra is associated with the element of ether and is located at the base of the throat. It allows us to express our truth through sound and vibration. The color of the throat chakra is light blue. Clairaudience or clear heaing stems from this chakra. Learning to listen to yourself and others is a healthy characteristic of this chakra.

  4. Third Eye Chakra or Ajna. The third eye chakra is where our thoughts, ideas, and visions come into our inner sight. It is where you are able to "see clearly" how you want to proceed in life. Being able to trust your inner guidance and where it is taking you and to be able to envison your perspective from a higher level. Being able to hold space for the bigger vision. This chakra is located between the eyes right above the eyebrows. It's color is indigo and it is assosciated with the earth sign of light. The home of clear seeing or clairvoyance. Associated with wisdom, intuition, and enlightenment the third eye chakra allows imagination and vision to soar.

  5. Crown Chakra or Sahasrara. The crown chakra energy center is located on the top of the head and associated with the element of thought. The crown chakra has a violet color. Here consciousness is open and transcendance of the material world in the mind is complete. Understanding and a "clear knowing" or claircognizance is at the heart of this energy center. It is divine intellegence and the source of all manifestations. Being aware of the divine in all of it's forms and in all beings is the ultimate goal of all beings seeking a level of higher consciousness. Realization and seeing beyond what the physical world presents is the ultimate goal of humanity. Surrendering and having complete faith in our path is essential for living a life full of joy.






Healing Actions

Spiritual Qualities

ROOT Muladhara

Base of the spine. Includes hips, legs and feet


"To root" Safety, support, foundation

I am safe. All my needs are easily met.

Exercises like walking and running. Open a savings account, pay off debt, Reiki.

Intuitive self-protection, survival and grounding.

SACRAL Svadhisthana

Two inches below the belly button


"To create" Stores body image, sex, fertility, creativity

I love my body. I create with joy and ease.

Dance, Pilates, yoga, paint, start a garden, bake, knit or sew, Reiki.

Access to key childhoood experiences, desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation.


Two inches below the breast bone


"To feel" Confidence, security, personal power

I am a child of Divine love. I am confident and I trust myself.

Yoga, good posture, able to make decisions, assert yourself, practice sharing your opinion, Reiki.

Intuitive feeling (clairsentience), willpower and assertiveness.

HEART Anahata

Center of the breastbone


"To love" stores love, anger, forgiveness and heart ache

My relationships are loving, respectful and kind

Yoga, taichi, hugging, tithing, generosity, forgiveness, Reiki.

Intuitive healing and love (clairempathy).

THROAT Visuddha

Base of the throat


"To speak" Ability to speak our truth, effective listening

I speak my truth in every situation, my words come from love.

Massage, Reiki, singing, chanting, toning, writing, practice speaking up.

Intuitive hearing (clairaudience) Communication and creativity.


Between and above the eyebrows


"To know" Learn to trust yourself, overcoming fearful thoughts

I am more intuitive every day and in every way.

Trust your intuition, practice surrendering your worries and fears, Reiki.

Intutive vision and intuition (clairvoyance).

CROWN Sahasrara

Top of the head


"To believe" Faith, spiritual awareness

I see the Divine in all things. I believe and trust in my higher power.

Meditation, prayer, forgiveness,compassion, connection, Reiki.

Prophecy, knowing and understanding (claircognizance).

Chakra Chart by Author

As you understand the seven main chakra systems, you can see how information or ideas come from the crown chakra, are envisioned by the third eye chakra, get spoken out loud or written through the throat chakra, is empowered with love through the heart chakra, creates power and desire through the solar plexus, flows with the act of creativity through the sacral chakra and comes into manifest form through the root chakra. When thoughts and actions are aligned manifestation is assured.

Reiki and the Chakra Energy Centers

Reiki ("ray-key") is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Discovered by Mikao Usui in 1922, is administered by the practitioner "laying on hands". Ancient techniques like this have been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki is a simple and powerful technique guided by spiritual consciousness, defined as spiritually guided life energy, and has it's own wisdom. Reiki is beneficial for enhancing wellbeing, reducing stress, easing mental anxiety, promoting personl awareness, increasing your energy, fine tuning your intuition, and much more. The life force energy of Reiki works with your level of consciousness where it is and refines it to come into alignment with the highest consciousness. Each chakra center has stored energy from past beliefs and experiences. Reiki automatically aligns and balances the chakra energy centers and instills a conscious awareness that eases emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual stress. When resistance is relieved healing automatically takes place.

You can increase your knowledge of the chakras by learning to meditate and visualize each chakra center like a flower. Visualize each color beaming brightly in the body's location. Reiki automatically aligns the chakra system and works continuously to heal. The result is the feeling of peace, comfort, and wellness.

Thank you for reading and I hope this article is useful to you on your spiritual journey. For more information about Reiki, energy healing, mediumship, and spirit art visit our website at

Alison Woods

Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Medium, Artist

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